If you’ve been reading my posts over the past months, you may have noticed that they’ve taken a bit of a different turn. Sure there have been plenty of posts about Dallas, startups, technology, frugality, and minimalism. But more and more I’ve been sharing content with “smaller” and “off the grid” as the focus. Mobile even.

Heather and I have been fascinated with smaller for a while. We proved we could do it when we moved from 3,400 square feet in the burbs to 1/2 that in The Cedars. We’ve arranged our lives around reducing our overhead, not increasing it. We are focusing on fewer “select” things. We took a trip in October with nothing more than a backpack each, including our tech, clothing, and toiletries. Flawless.

All of this talk has become more than a conversation, and we’d like to share what we have in store for 2017. I promised late last year that changes were coming, and it’s finally time to share the full scope! It’s a doozy.

We’ll be hosting a Facebook Live feed on Saturday at 5:30PM Central, and we hope you’ll join us. Many of you have reached out with specific questions about how you can make changes in your lives to live better with less, so we’ll leave plenty of time for Q&A too if the need arises!

Join us? This link will automatically point to the right place at 5:30 PM Central.

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