About Michael Sitarzewski

Who am I?

Let’s get to the fun stuff right away—everything else you’ll uncover through the years of content here.

I’m a high school dropout, unapologetically so, and I have no regrets. I firmly believe anyone with access to a smartphone can replicate the value of the world’s best educational institutions. It takes motivation and time, but it’s 100% possible.

Life, to me, is one big experiment, and I love experimenting—a lot. Writing this page is part of that: a realization that I could do more to help people move forward. I love learning, and even more, I love hearing from people who take action based on our conversations and create success in their lives.

Since 1993, I’ve been learning to write code for the web. It all began with a project my friend Bracken and I built called Apartments On-Demand (an apartment search site in—wait for it—1993). These days, my current projects can be found at zerologic.com.

Tinkering is my jam.

I tinker with computers, code, civics, electronics, and whatever else catches my eye.

What to expect from this blog

Sometimes, I’ll share links to products or services I use—these might be affiliate links, but they’ll always reflect things I genuinely use and recommend.

The content here is mine, all mine. No third-party or guest posts—so let’s skip those pitches, shall we?

If you’ve got ideas, questions, or just want to say hi, reach out here or via Bluesky or LinkedIn. I’d love to hear from you—even if it’s just a quick hello!

Closing thoughts

I hope you enjoy your time here, find value in the content, and maybe even discover a few helpful products or services along the way. I’m a big believer that traditional “jobs” are becoming obsolete—it’s up to us, together, to create a world that works for all of us.

Stay safe. Stay smart. Stay informed. And carry on.