Colorado Archives - Friend Michael - One Big Experiment Father, husband, geek, entrepreneur, creator. Thank you for being here. Sun, 04 Dec 2016 00:10:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Startups, Dallas, Texas, Boulder, and much, much more. Fri, 22 Nov 2013 10:52:19 +0000 I wrote a guest post for Launch DFW today. It’s the first time I’ve contributed content directly to the internet in long form in quite a while. It’s a piece on how to grow community, and especially startup community. It’s called “How to grow a startup community: Start with community.”

I’d love to know what you think. 🙂

New Photo: Tree Star Fri, 08 May 2009 18:41:54 +0000 There are several giant blooming Cottonwood trees behind my house – they're one of the reasons we chose our lot. The views from the back of the house, the back yard, and the kitchen are full of these trees. There's also a small pond, and cat tails forever.

As the sun was on the way down just before #zoosketti, I noticed through our sliding glass door these huge, dusk-lit trees. I just had to go play. I took several photos – of the leaves and the bark but my favorite of the bunch was this… “Tree Star.”

If you don't know, I dabble in photography from time to time. If you like my work, head over to my Flickr site. There are snapshots there too, so you may have to browse to see the good stuff.

Excitement and passion. Fri, 22 Feb 2008 05:02:32 +0000 I've been AFK for quite a while, focusing my work time on HyperSites exclusively. It is better than ever as a result… but now it is time to spend my off hours building my passion.

My passion is called Social Ingenuity. It is a huge project that centers directly in the social networking space. It has a few fundamental differences compared to most of what we're seeing in this space. First and foremost, it will allow people to leverage their social networks to build companies.

Social Ingenuity is so big in fact, that I've come up with a great way to get started slowly. Rather than try to build a monster application to support the company, I'm going to start it locally. This will allow us to find great talent to start the global version properly.

I'll have more news soon, but if your curiosity has been piqued, have a look at Social Ingenuity. Ping me with questions.

Social Ingenuity Passion in Practice

VoSnap, Inc. – The fruit of Sun, 08 Jul 2007 19:08:53 +0000 Well under way, Startup Weekend is absolutely one of the coolest things I've been involved in. The company we've created is a web/sms service for making quick decisions.

If you want to ask a few friends about a decision you want to make, come to the site, enter their email addresses, or mobile phone numbers, and we'll send the questions and options to them. They reply within a given time period and you're notified of the results. There is way more to it than that, especially if you ask the developers, but that is the general idea. Think pro features, white labeling, etc.

Everyone broke in to groups of specialty after the idea was chosen. For example: marketing/pr, front end development, creative, back end development, business development, legal, and user experience. These teams formed magically. How cool.

Normally I'd stick myself into one of the dev teams, but as I grow I want to offer my experience to as many people as will listen. So with this project, I signed up in the “I get things done” role. I floated from group to group, and if I say so myself, that worked well. I spent most of yesterday with the user experience team.

Keep an eye on the site… it will launch today (it may be tonight!) but it will go. Absolutely the best way to get a quick vote is with VoSnap. 😉

Let me know what you think. Oh, we were TechCrunched (thanks Mike!) We were the featured show last night for quite a while on, and will be streaming the event live today too. Check it out at at

Startup Weekend begins tonight Fri, 06 Jul 2007 20:50:45 +0000 Some of Boulder's best and brightest startup talent is gathering tonight at 6. What exactly we'll be doing is still totally unclear, but the result will be a complete startup/product on Monday morning. If the idea is solid, there is plenty of opportunity for going big. Frankly, with the people involved, I expect just that.

There are 70 people signed up. Think about that for a second. An entire company's worth of high level talent, coming together to build something cool over the course of a weekend.

For updates on the project, keep an eye on

I have to thank my wife Heather for her support on this. She'll be responsible fully for Z and will have little time to herself while I'm off creating something cool with my friends. She has plans to take our 3 year old son Z to the Colorado Renaissance festival on Sunday. She'll have fun! Thanks Heather! Don't forget about daycare! 🙂

A Web developer drought in Boulder? Mon, 25 Jun 2007 17:17:54 +0000 My friend Ari Newman of and Newman Venture Advisors has an interesting observation about Web developers in the Boulder area. It seems as thought all of the funded startups are sucking the market dry.

I know a some of these guys and they're pretty much booked as he says. If you're a good web developer and you have rails experience, give these guys a glance. They're in need of help.

Ari says you don't have to be local, but you do have to kick ass and already have remote relationships worked out. Read the post yourself here Web developer drought in Boulder?

Good luck Ari and team!

BCBR: The return of the dot-com Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:12:08 +0000 Caron Schwartz Ellis wrote a nice piece for the Boulder County Business Review on the resurgence of web companies in the Boulder/Denver area.

The companies she mentions are a hop or two away from me. While I don't know them all personally, I think that they're all doing great work. Being involved in the startup scene has been a wonderful experience, and this article reminds me of that.

Sure, at one point we would have been in the list, but times change, as do priorities. How about you save some space for me in the followup article next year Caron? Deal?

BCBR ARTICLE: The return of the dot-com

StartupWeekend: July 6-8 in Boulder, Colorado. Tue, 12 Jun 2007 02:11:49 +0000 Can a team of people create an entire company in a weekend, from scratch? From concept to launch during a Friday night to Sunday night timeframe. Can it be done? Yes it can, and I'll be a part of it.

Chris and I were banging out grillm when I read about this event for the first time. We looked at each other and said, “Wow, what a great idea!”

Unlike our two man show, this a is a group of world class people teaming up from all areas of business. Management, funding, marketing, bizdev, application development… everything you really need to create a viable business.

I can't wait for the result, there are some phenomenal people involved. I'll be just back from the Butte, ready and refreshed. Who's catering coffee and pizza? Brad? 😉

StartupWeekend: “July 6-8 in Boulder, Colorado. Let's create a startup.”
