I know this is taboo and very uncommon in the blogging world, but I'm starting over. I've retooled zerologic.com and am re-inventing everything around it.
zerologic.com started life in the 90's as the website for my company zerologic corporation. It served that duty well until 2001, the year we created HyperSites. Post HyperSites, it really became a personal playground for everything and anything that tickled my fancy.
I blogged about my company and the trials and tribulations of being a dad. Z's photographed history, and even movies were everywhere, and as I moved it more to a professional site, the family content seemed more and more out of place.
Today I'm introducing the new zerologic.com. zerologic.com has always been about being an entrepreneur and doing things that benefit people. I'm launching it with four sections, and may add more as ideas develop. They are: Blog, TV, Zeluco, and Computers.
TV is a live television (IPTV?) experiment that has you as the subject. Think of is as collaborative social media.
Zeluco is a service for Second Life. You've probably crammed for a test… well, this is my way of helping you cram for Second Life: “A month's experience in just one hour.”
I love to build computers and so I've decided to offer that service publicly. It is a hobby, not a business so my pricing is simple, and you're responsible for buying the parts.
Have a look at the home page for details on the sections.