This idea came to me as I was listening to C.C. Chapman's podcast Managing the Gray. Specifically, the episode was Bringing the Social Back – a look at how the face to face aspect of social networking is disappearing. Those of us that live in the social media bubble can relate – the only time I see many of the people I follow is at a tech event, or in passing at a coffee shop*.
I propose that we organize and promote a global potluck barbeque. Let's pick a day (the same day everywhere, and roughly the same time), and on that day we gather at day long parties and actually get to know one another. No planned pitches, no selling, no fundraising. Let's get to know the people we see in Twitter and Facebook. It's a pretty crazy idea, I know, “socializing.”
The gatherings could be in someone's backyard, or in a park with a grill – wherever you think is appropriate, and family friendly. Each event would need a host or an organizer, and there could be multiple parties in the larger cities or metro areas.
Here are a couple of Saturdays I've picked (from thin air): July 11th 2009 or August 8th 2009. If you have a better day, let's chat, this idea is totally open and I'd love the feedback. I wanted to schedule them far enough in the future that conflicts are less likely.
For Boulder, CO I'm thinking Eben G Fine Park.
It's a big idea that'll take a lot participation, so who's in? Do you want to help organize an event near you? Leave a comment below! Let's get started!
*In Boulder it's pretty easy to hang out with the people. It's a small, charged community, with lots of events and things to do. That said, I'm not sure people are getting to know people outside of their normal social circle. I'd like to see that change, starting with my participation in said events. See you soon!