Do you know someone that needs a technology makeover? Someone that hears things like Twitter, iPhone, HD, etc., and really wants to know how to leverage these things in their daily lives? I'm looking for freelancers, CXOs, or simply GSDers that have a strong desire to learn about, and embrace technology.
I'll teach them about latest and greatest in computers and consumer technologies and services. I want to help them become comfortable enough with technology to enjoy it – to use it to improve their lives. They can make the move from technology as a necessity, or even a point of fear, to technology as a lifestyle enhancement.
Over and over again, I'm told that I have the ability to take technical subjects and present them to non-technical people in ways that make sense. Clearly there's a need to help people understand and embrace technology – and it happens to be a passion of mine. Ask anyone that knows me.
Why not send just people to the Apple store or Best Buy? Have a look at just about any store pushing technology (yes, even Apple). Sales people aren't in the business of teaching, they're programmed to sell. And sell they do. What's missing is the desire to help. That I have (to a fault at times).
It's time to bring people in to the modern age, without a hard sales pitch, and without the biased voice of the vendor. People don't want a pitch, they want technology that works.
For help with physical needs, such as installing networks or home theaters, I'll refer work to local business that specialize in those areas when it makes sense. The last thing I want to do is get in the way of local business.
What's my pricing model? I'll accept whatever the client determines the value of my services to be. There's nothing to lose. I'm doing this for fun, not for a living. I love technology, plain and simple, and I want to share my passion.
Do you know anyone that might benefit from my many years in technology?