Tuesday in Boulder, Boulder Open Coffee, BDNT, and the tech community

Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is a special day for me because it's the one day that I get to spend entirely in Boulder. From the beginning of the day to as late as I need. My wife and son have a weekly play date so I'm relieved of fatherly after school duties.

Tuesday, every other Tuesday to be precise, means Boulder Open Coffee Club gets together at The Cup (8AM if you plan to attend). It's a really fun group whose sole purpose is to talk technology, business, startups, home theater, and whatever else happens to come up. Boulder Open Coffee Club (or #BOCC on Twitter) was Founded a couple of years ago by Jason Mendelson, Managing Director at Foundry Group.

Tuesday is the one night a week that the Callisto.fm team meets to focus entirely on our product. Of course we work on the project during the week, but this is dedicated, focused time. Last week, we pounded the bits until nearly 2AM. Tonight? Who knows, but I really look forward to the focused time.

Tuesday, once a month, is also the Boulder/Denver New Tech Meetup. It's held at the Wolf Law Building on the CU campus. That was started by Robert Reich (then of Medium, now OneRiot). There, as with the Boulder Open Coffee Club, people interested in and involved in technology gather (this time around 400 or so) to hear several companies present their ideas and projects to the crowd. I'm not able to make as many of these as I once was since the Callisto team meets the same night, but I highly recommend it.

Tuesday is also the scheduled day for two of my podcasts. One with Dave Taylor and Doyle Albee (Metzger Associates) called Three InSight, and the other solo with Dave called . I'd love to hear your feedback on these podcasts (you can leave it at Callisto!). This week's shows will be delayed due to CES, so look for them next week.

Tuesday, once a month, the Colorado Podcasters meetup gets together to talk podcasting technology, techniques, and so on. It's a fun group and helps us to understand who's doing what in the community. It's hosted by Kit Seeborg. If you're at all interested in podcasting, you really should come to one of these.

So what does your Tuesday look like? Do you have a day like this?

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